Logistics in Europe: desires and decisions

Prologis research just published a report on the most desirable logistics location in Europe. The report shows that proximity and market factors are more important than cost factors.

On a map included in the report, desirable locations are concentrated in north-eastern Europe, beginning in London, plus Paris,  Madrid and a few other places.

We made a comparison with a map of 75 logistics investment in Europe, tracked by our Industries & Strategies database. Those 75 investments, for a total amount of 3,3 billion USD, will create 22 800 jobs. They represent a sample of decisions made during the last three years.

Those two maps, compared hereunder, reveal a fair proximity between investment decisions tracked by Trendeo and desires as surveyed by Prologis Research.

trendeo prologis logistique
Investment decisions as tracked by Industries & strategies, a Trendeo database, from january 2016 to october 2017, left. Most desirable locations  by market for logistics, as surveyed by prologis Research, right.

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